Say it with Pictures

Blog Pictures
I have been blogging for quite awhile. I have 9 active blogs that I manage on a regular basis. Alright, alright, I say it over and over again. And to say the least that I am a frustrated blogger is the understatement of the year because I already wrote about it too. But what can I do? I love to write and I love people to read what I write.

But here is the thing. And it is a good thing, I promise. I have found a new hobby. Photography! [Not necessarily me taking the photos but me downloading the photo.] If you have noticed, I love inserting photos on my blog post. And here is one interesting thing, I found a site where I can find cool blog pictures too which I can insert in my blog posts. Yup, a website where thousand of images are hosted by it… a website where the images are already optimized and resized according to my preference… a website where there is a larger and better library for copyrighted and licensed images… and more importantly, a website where I can download the images for free.

Yes, is the coolest and the newest website for hosting quality pictures for bloggers. I just signed up for it and instantly, I was able to copy and paste image code without downloading, resizing and uploading the image file just like this one I have here. So tell me… how cool is that?