Real Friends from Virtual World

It has been almost 3 years now since I made that drastic decision in life that totally changed my perspective in life. But despite what I went through, I am just so happy with how things are turning out after so many ice storms and hurricanes that I survived in this new home I chose to live.

It has been almost 3 year now since I left my friends whom I grew up with and made new ones. Though my loyalty to my old friends remains strong, I learned to trust my new found ones. My new found friends however, are friends I found from the most unconventional way. These friends I am referring to are virtual friends because I met them online. But these virtual friends that I am referring to are real people who inspired me for real. And these real friends I met online are now my lifeline in this virtual world I call Cyberlandia.

Well, it may sound out of this world but this is the reality now. My life has evolved in the world wide web for almost 3 years now and those people I met there are people who give me motivation to live life bravely and face every challenges courageously. And I am just so lucky to know some special people with whom I share a common bond that tie us together in one common interest... blogging.

When I was down, my virtual friends or shall I call them my new BFFs [Blogger Friends Forever] give an assurance that It's a Beautiful Life after all. They give me inspiration to see... The Joys of Simple Life. My BFFs taught me how to appreciate God's given talents and learn to Craft them effectively and efficiently to lift each other's spirit especially in times of needs. They are Simply CHERrific down-to-earth people who travels far and near in flip-flops and backpacks. They are my new BFFs who can write Letters in November and Blogging out Loud some stirring thoughts and inspiring Poetic Murmurings to awaken the lonely soul. And even if these friends of mine are scattered all over the world... they are just a click away when you need them the most.

Friendship indeed transcend boundaries and principles and definitions. Friendship is indeed not confine in personal expectations or aspirations. Friendship nevertheless... is always made available to people who need and deserve it.


  1. Aww...that's sweet! Even I, myself found really good people who I become really good friends with. It's nice to hear that you've been enjoying the virtual world. After all, we share common interest and that would be, blogging.

    Have a great weekend Ruthi!


  2. hey, what a wonderful post Ruthi, love how you coined every link together. hehehe, did not know about bff, thanks for your description.
