be a happy blogger… copyright your posts

I was plagiarized. My ideas were stolen. My thoughts were splogged.

I was so excited when I saw that one of my posts in Bizarre Marriage got a comment. So I clicked on it to read my comment. What a big surprise when I found out that it was a link from another website that has a post with the same title as mine. Curious, I clicked the link and read the rest of the article just to find out that it was the exact post that I had only with few word revisions using synonyms.

So with this lesson that I learned, I am now copyrighting all my posts since all of them are original and written by me. So if you are like me, who are taking your skill seriously… who are thinking that you may have a career in writing… and who are seriously considering to take your writing to the next level... then, copyright your work. It is an important way to have the security and the peace of mind you need with your writing. ©