The Solo Flight Series || My 3 Reasons Why Hiking Solo is Fun

Hiking is one of the many activities I love doing here in Maine.

Since Maine is the largest of the 6 states in New England, it offers a lot of opportunities for adventures and outdoor activities to choose from. It is not called Vacationland for nothing. Just sayin'

I love hiking.

I love hiking all by myself.

And when given the opportunity to do so, I will hike anywhere... anytime.

Hiking solo in the island of Amorgos, Greece

So, here are my 3 valid reasons why hiking solo is fun.


I don't plan for a hike day. I just go!

If you have to hike with someone, you need to agree on a specific day, time, place, and other logistics to make it happen. That definitely involves working around each other's schedules. And I'm not good at it.

I'm motto is... just go!

Solo hiking Douglas Mountain in Sebago, Maine


I don't need special training to hike.

If you know how to walk, you are qualified. If you are reading this, you are already and expert in walking. You don't train for it. It's automatic once you take that first step, you are walking. And walking with intentionality gives you a purpose.

Walking with a purpose, for me is - hiking.

Fall solo hiking at the Outer Trail in Sebago Lake State Park


I hike solo because it's simply makes me happy to be with nature.

I had to admit, Mother Nature is easier to deal with than humans. She never complains, argues and she listens quietly. Yes, I know it because I talk to her when I'm hiking.

The truth though... at first, I thought it was my way of avoiding my ugly reality. Eventually it turned out, it was my way of releasing the negative energies I got from negative people. Though my reality is still ugly when I come back from hiking, my heart sees beyond the bullshit.

I can come back to the trail with bullshit and all and return refreshed and recharged and ready to face more bullshit.

Hiking solo in Victoria British Columbia, Canada

Well, that's it.

Maybe it is also worth mentioning that I found out that it wasn't that bad at all to have myself as my own company.

My 3 reasons for hiking may not resonate to all and that is ok. My reality is not everybody's reality. But this is my truth and I embrace it with passion because these are the main reasons why I hike.

What is your reason for hiking?

Or would you consider hiking for whatever reason you have?

It's worth the try. Trust me.