I had to come up with a good idea about my blogging practice. I had to admit I am not really doing a great job lately. And I am not proud of it. I really like to write but the problem is, I don't know what to write.
And so I came up with the idea that maybe I should stop writing for awhile. Maybe then, I would come up with better idea. Maybe I will pick up something interesting when I stop thinking about writing and deadline. Maybe I need a little break.
It's a tough world. As I always say. I don't know, maybe I just don't know what to else to say too. See, I really think I need help now. I think I am getting jealous of all the other bloggers and friends I have in my blog roll because I can see that they can come up with good ideas. Well, there are times that I did say - "Why didn't I think about that?" Or maybe - "Hey, I thought about that too." Maybe I wasn't quick too to write about it. Oh well, no alibis, please. Hmmmm... if there is something I am good at, that's it... making alibis... making excuses.
So, maybe I should stop. I should stop writing for now. I should stop writing... now!
MyMaineLife: Lavender Field Forever
It's indeed summer in Maine. The air is warm and comfy. The breeze is
refreshing. And the sun is bright and lovely. Well, it could be worse.
Spoiler Alert....
6 years ago